Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Where Does All the Time Go?

Please excuse our ten-day hiatus. With the holidays coming up and the semester winding down many people, including myself, lose track of their priorities and enter a personal race to “get it all done.”

When it seems like there is too much to do and no time to do it, I like to take a step back and look at the big picture. I have a confession: I am a list freak. I have a to-do list for every separate activity I am involved in. Right now my lists include one for each class, one for my internship, one for each job (I have three!), a list for PRSSA and PRaction…and a few more. It probably sounds strange and obsessive, but when I become overwhelmed with all of my tasks, it is the simplest way to get back on track. And who doesn’t love checking off something they’ve accomplished?

So, as finals approach I want to know what little things keep you on track. Do you have any habits that help when you start feeling overwhelmed? Please comment so we can get a list of helpful tips going!


Anonymous said...

When I start to feel over whelmed, I like to get away from whatever I'm working on. Anything works... Gym, walk, turkey sandwich, work on something else, etc. It helps me refocus on what's important

Unknown said...

I love making listsssss!!!!

I couldn't survive without them, right with you Christina!