Monday, November 10, 2008

Industry Trend--- Audiences Blur

An article out of PRWeek entitled, “Multicultural Marketing Comes of Age,” summarized the sudden shift in reach Barack Obama’s campaign produced during the election.

Esther Novak, author of the article and CEO of Vanguard Communication, described Obama’s strategy as “ending the image of America as a ‘ one culture’ nation.”

I argue that although he ended the image of America as a ‘one culture’ nation, he created a nation working towards a common good, that within itself is a culture— a newly formed, pride-bearing American culture.

Demographically speaking, Novak makes a valid point about Obama’s ability to blur the line between separate target audiences. No longer is it about reaching either Caucasians or ethnicities or white-collar or blue-collar workers. It is more so reaching a broader audience accepting of a lifestyle— progression.

An Integrated Marketing Strategy
To reach this progressive, mixed audience the Obama campaign used television ads, social networking sites, endorsements, and the use of his website. Most importantly he organized at the grass root level.

As practitioners, marketers, and advertisers is this the beginning of the change in how we send our messages? To whom we send them to? Will demographic audiences begin to blur?

Click here for the original article.

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